We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information. Manning Daly Art is committed to protecting your privacy and this Online Privacy Statement explains how your personal information will be treated as you access and interact with this web site.

Collection of personal information
Manning Daly Art will not collect any personal information from this website about you except when you knowingly and voluntarily submit it.

Use and Disclosure of personal information.
We do not as a standard practice, collect personal information through this website. If for any reason we do collect personal information through your use of this website, it will be collected and used in the normal course of our business. Manning Daly Art will use such information only for the purpose for which it was provided unless we disclose other uses in this Privacy Statement, our Privacy Policy or at the time of collection. This personal information will not be released to persons or entities outside our organisation without your consent. It will be only disclosed to someone else as required by law.

Use of Cookies
A cookie is a small data file that a website may write to your hard drive when you visit them. The browser stores the message in a text file, and the message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you personally supply. We make limited use of cookies on this web site. We only use cookies to improve the functionality of our website, not to store any of your personal information. Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies.

Security of personal Information
Although Manning Daly Art takes reasonable steps, through the use of encryption and other methods, to ensure the security of any information you transmit to us if you send any information, including your email address, you do so at your own risk.

Third party sites
This site may contain links to third party sites. All third party links on this website are provided for your convenience. You access those sites and or use the site's products and services at your own risk. Manning Daly Art is not responsible for and makes no representations concerning the condition and content of, or product offerings at the third party site. Manning Daly Art does not control the content or privacy policies of third party sites. We encourage you to read the privacy statement of each site you visit, when you leave our web site.

Accessing and updating personal information
If you would like to access, update or correct the personal information you have provided to us, you may do so by notifying us at

Updating our policy
The content of this online Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time, so we suggest that you revisit the website and carefully read the information provided. While Manning Daly Art has endeavored to ensure that all information provided on this website is accurate and up to date, Manning Daly Art takes no responsibility for any error or omission relating to this information.

The purpose of the website is to provide you with information about the business of Manning Daly Art, our products and the activities we undertake.